You Who Love the Lord Hate Evil

Found in the book “Kabbalah for the student
Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam)


In the verse, “O ye that love the Lord, hate evil; He preserveth the souls of His followers; He delivered them out of the hand of the wicked,” he interprets that it is not enough to love the Creator and to want to be granted adhesion with the Creator. One should also hate evil.

The matter of hatred towards evil is expressed by hating the evil, called “the will to receive.” And one sees that one has no tactic to be rid of it, and at the same time one does not want to accept the situation. And one feels the losses that the evil causes him, and also sees the truth that one cannot annul the evil by himself, since it is a natural force by the Creator, who has imprinted the will to receive in man.

In that state, the verse tells us what one can do, meaning hate evil. And by that the Creator will keep him from that evil, as it is written, “He preserveth the souls of His followers.” And what is the preservation? “He delivered them out of the hand of the wicked.” In that state one is already a successful person, since he has some contact with the Creator, be it the tiniest connection.

In fact, the matter of evil remains and serves as Achoraim (Posterior) to the Partzuf. But this is done only by one’s correction: through sincere hatred of evil, it is corrected into a form of Achoraim. The hatred comes because if one wants to obtain adhesion with the Creator, then there is a conduct among friends: if two people come to realize that each of them hates what and whom one’s friend hates, and loves what and whom one’s friend loves, then they come into perpetual bonding, like a stake that will never fall.

Hence, since the Creator loves to bestow, the lower ones should also adapt to want only to bestow. And as the Creator hates to be a receiver, since He is completely whole and does not need a thing, man, too, must hate the matter of reception for oneself.

It follows that one must bitterly hate the will to receive, for all the ruins in the world come only from the will to receive. And through the hatred, one corrects it and enters the Kedusha (holiness).

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