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Курс Зоар



Урок 1


Length: 15 minutesAuthor: KatieComplexity: Easy

Какво е книгата Зоар? Откъде идва тя? За какво е необходима? И как да започнем да разбираме написаното там?

За да намерим отговори на тези въпроси, първо трябва да разберем някои основни неща за кабала и как тя се свързва с реалността.

Урок 2 – Езикът

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: KatieComplexity: Easy

Книгата Зоар съдържа много описания и понятия, които са ни познати от нашия свят, като „море“, „планини“, „дървета“, „цветя“, „животни“, „хора“ и „пътувания“. Важно е да разберем, че всички тези детайли, образи и събития, споменати в книгата, не говорят за външния свят около нас, а само за това, което се случва в нас.

В този урок ще се задълбочим в „езика на клоните“ и ще видим защо Зоар е написана точно по начина, по който е била написана.

Урок 3 – Кой чете Зоар?

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: KatieComplexity: Easy

Кой чете? Това може да изглежда очевидно – но всъщност това е един от най-важните най-дълбоки въпроси, които трябва да изясним.

Тъй като Зоар е метод за промяна на себе си, първо трябва да разберем кои сме, как в момента възприемаме реалността – и къде се намира това, до което искаме да стигнем.

Lesson 4 – History

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: KatieComplexity: Easy

Who wrote the Zohar? When? And most importantly – Why?

This lesson will delve into the history of the Zohar and why it was concealed for so long. We will zoom in on the significant contributions of 3 great Kabbalists: Rabbi Shimon Bar-Yochai (Rashbi), Isaac Luria (the Holy Ari) and Rabbi Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam).

Lesson 5 – One Law

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: KatieComplexity: Easy

It is said that ‘the secrets of zohar are hidden behind a thousand locked gates’ – but that’s only so if you look at it from the outside. The Zohar addresses a single person, everything is inside that person, and because of the law of equivalence of form – there are no locks, no gates, and no secrets.

This lesson will delve into “the law of equivalence of form” – we will begin to uncover how through this law, the Zohar can help us build a second nature with which we can perceive the Creator, the general law of Nature.

Lesson 6 – What Do I Do?

Length: 8 minutesAuthor: KatieComplexity: Easy

If my very nature is the will to receive, how could it ever be possible to truly reach an unconditional desire to give? 

After all, if we could do this we would break through that iron wall which separates between us and the higher level of nature.

For this predicament, there are two practical tools described in the Zohar that we can use to work above our nature:

The first is called “the screen” or “the work in three lines” – and this will be the focus of this lesson.

Lesson 7 – Love

Length: 12 minutesAuthor: KatieComplexity: Easy

“The rule, “Love thy friend as thyself” is not a moral law that aims to force us to love other people. It is rather a means by which we connect the whole of reality to ourselves.” – Unlocking the Zohar, Chapter 5

Love your friend as yourself – What does it mean? What has it got to do with the Zohar? 

In the previous lesson we outlined the screen (i.e the intention, the work in three lines) as being the first tool to help us rise above our nature and come to sense the upper world. However it can only work when used together with the second tool – which is called ‘love your friend as yourself’. Enter the lesson to learn more.

What Next?

Author: Katie

Finished the course but still eager to learn more? Not sure where or what? This page will help steer you in the right direction.