Moderator Chat
Romania, UK, Lithuania, Norway Germany Hungary, Austria , Netherlands, Switzerland, Croatia, Israel, , Spain, Turkey, France, Poland
from Lithuania: if kabbalah is the only one way out from all worlds problem, why its not so popular in all world? why people dont want to join kabbalists?
Dan from Romania: It was said that the sixth sense can be called the soul. It isn't better to call it intuition, because it is an instrument, while the soul would be the spiritual equivalent of the body?
Question from Lithuania: if i want to change the world: STOP all wars, anger, make all love each other, what i need to do?
Moisa Laura: When will I do it, to feel that I can understand a "feeling", how can I differentiate between reality and my own imagination?
Q from Romania: where we find that constant that differentiates between imagination and reality
Claire from UK : how does the chocoalate cake desire compare to the deminished pleasure caused from stress in the work example you gave?
Claire from UK: if i desire knowledge of kabbalah will i end up in minus pleasure if persue it and fill up my knowledge?
Claire from UK: if desire disapears with afullfillment and we enter a negative cycle couldnt we just make sure we only ever 1/2 fullfill our desires?