Help Haver
The “Help Haver” fund was founded in order to provide financial help to the friends of all the Bnei Baruch groups in the world, to facilitate their participation in the congresses through either offering help to everyone in need or through a general cost reduction of the congress expenses.
Here you may donate to the fund in order to support your friends or refund the loan you got from the fund that supported you in the past.
In the “Additional information” section please write, what is your contribution – refund or donation.
To ask for the help please click here
Despre Bnei Baruch
Bnei Baruch este o organizație globală sub conducerea lui Michael Laitman și dedicată lărgirii accesului la Cabala.
Despre acest site
Acest site este platforma de studiu dedicată furnizării de informații și suport studenților Bnei Baruch din România.