Complaints Against A Teacher

Question: Why does it happen that at a certain stage your beloved teacher does not seem so beloved anymore? Moreover, it seems that he manipulates you and says things that you want to criticize over and over.

Answer: That is natural. A student does not advance without having complaints and criticisms in regard to the teacher. Advancement occurs on two sides: the left and the right, where on one hand you have criticism, and on the other hand, forceful justification.

Therefore, if a critical attitude to the teacher arises in you, it means that you now need to add from the other side, in spite of your opinion, the opinion of others, and in spite of the rejection and even hatred toward the teacher that suddenly might emerge in you. You need to rise above it in faith above reason, to the state where you continue to hold onto him.

It requires tremendous effort from the student. And if you already are in it, congratulations. This work does not end even when you enter the spiritual world at the first spiritual attainment—it continues even on higher degrees.

To the extent that you suddenly feel rejection from your friends in the group, realizing that a completely irrational hatred toward them arises in you, the same irrational hatred and not just a critical attitude will emerge in you toward the teacher. You will need to overcome it through faith above reason.


From a Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/2/18

Kabbalah Is Open Source Code For Rebooting Society

Animals never make mistakes, because nature operates them perfectly. Yet people go wrong all the time.

In the 21st century, we have reached an absurd state where our existence on this planet can come to an end with the push of a button. And even at the individual level, many live like modern-day slaves, spending hours on end working, commuting, and being busy and tense all the time. It’s only natural that antidepressant prescriptions are skyrocketing.

Unlike human society where chaos seems to be prevalent, the more we delve into nature, the more we reveal a wondrous wisdom. Every element and every being appear to be harmoniously connected to each other. Nothing exists in isolation. Every life form contributes to the rest of the system.

So why does nature seem to fail when it comes to us, humans? Are we some sort of a bug in nature’s operating system?

The answer is no. Rather, Kabbalah explains that we lack the ability to see the bigger picture. All our problems, our challenges and our suffering are continuously orchestrated to develop us as human beings. The chaos we see around us is designed for us to finally ask: What’s going on? Where are we headed? What is our purpose here?

To get answers, however, we will have to rise to a higher level of human experience, to the next level of human evolution.

Look at what we have accomplished so far. We have developed a sophisticated virtual network that connects us across the globe, through our computers and smartphones. Everything is connected in today’s global village, except our hearts. We have yet to build the next level of human connection. Mankind is due for a system upgrade.

Our time demonstrates a growing clash between the connected nature of the world, and the self-centered nature of man. Simply put, we are misguided by our individual egos, pushing us to exploit each other and everything else for personal gain.

It’s as though mankind is stuck with an old operating system. Our egoistic society rewards mutual exploitation, encouraging everyone to be out there for himself, alone against the world. Ironically, our sophisticated means of communication only further highlight how emotionally separate from each other we’ve become.

So how do we upgrade our awareness to suit nature’s operating system? To succeed, we need an upgrade guide, written by top-notch developers, well versed in nature’s code. This is precisely what the authentic wisdom of Kabbalah provides.

For millennia, Kabbalah was practiced by a small group. However, it was intended to become revealed to all in a time when the need to upgrade human nature will present itself. And that time is now.

Once we go through the upgrade, a whole new level of life awaits us, where each of us is inherently connected to the whole of humanity; where everyone wants to benefit everyone else; where we discover the true meaning behind the concept of “love thy neighbor as thyself.”

Loving your neighbor as yourself, is not about ethics, mannerisms, or even acts of kindness. These are just potential side effects. “Love thy neighbor” means an expansion of human emotion and perception that puts us in contact with the loving force of nature itself. The underlying force that guides nature’s operating system. This revelation fills us with divine pleasures from a higher level of awareness, and we discover that it was all designed for us right from the beginning.


Take a free course to learn the code for yourself:


From My Facebook Page Michael Laitman 3/28/19

Between The Desires Of The Heart And The Arguments Of The Mind

Question: How does a Kabbalist find a solution when he experiences contradiction between the desires of the heart and the arguments of the mind?

Answer: In our world, these contradictions are based on the person’s ignorance. He does not know where he is, with whom he deals, what he controls, and what he has to balance. He has absolutely no foundations.

In the spiritual world, he takes the Creator as the foundation, which is the basis of the balance of these two forces because He is the positive force. He generates the negative force so that we can exist in it as creations, opposite to Him.

Therefore, the balance between the two forces is maintained by the Creator at the inanimate, vegetative, and animate levels, and at the spiritual level between the properties of bestowal and reception, but with our intervention, as much as we require, we ask Him to help us keep this balance.


From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/16/18

From A Small Room To A Huge World

Question: Why did Kabbalists hide Kabbalah for many years?

Answer: Look at yourself. You have already been studying Kabbalah for years. How would it be possible to reveal everything that it studies to you all at once? Even when you begin studying any science, it is revealed to you gradually because you need to gather data, store it, adapt yourself to it, and chew on it within yourself.

And Kabbalah is a science that simultaneously includes feelings within you. That is, you yourself must change and adapt yourself sensually to the material you work with. Gradually you get used to it and change according to it; you will feel and absorb it differently. These are very serious, long stages of incorporating a person into Kabbalah and Kabbalah into a person.

This is not a usual science that people deduced from their conclusions. Under the guidance of Kabbalists you discover a world, yourself, and your feelings, and begin to apply your knowledge to the world that exists around you. You bring it closer and closer to yourself and feel it.

So, it turns out that this takes time, it is not possible to get past this instantly. For example, you cannot take a little child to a classic ballet, to the theater, or to a scientific experiment, he will not understand it. You can take him with you, but he will receive nothing from it. On the contrary, he will be scared or understand all of it incorrectly.

Therefore, the problem is not that Kabbalists do not want to reveal everything immediately. They, as true methodologists, understand that it requires a very long path of a person’s inner growth. That is the problem.

Such maturation might take 20 or 30 years. After all, you adapt yourself to the system that works according to different laws than your animalistic body, our primitive lower world, does.

You are like a little child who comes out of his nursery, in which his whole world was encapsulated, into the big world. There are completely different interactions in it, there are strangers and other laws.

Therefore, you need to adapt. Just like in our world we have parents and teachers who guide us and create special systems of maturation and incorporation into this world, it is the same in Kabbalah.

However, everything is much more difficult in spirituality because in the corporeal world we have natural desires and sense organs, but in Kabbalah we must develop them. This means that we must be united into tens through which we will be able to begin feeling the upper world and adapt to it.

Only now are we beginning this process, gradually exiting our little “nursery,” not even into the big world, but into the “yard.” This is precisely what we are beginning to do now.


From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 2/5/19

It Is Hard To Believe, But It Will Happen

If any part of the world is not running perfectly, it is a sign that there is a fault in me. The end of correction should be implemented in practice in the world we are living in now. Intentions to bestow, proper distribution, good relations—all this must be realized here. Everyone will be concerned with fulfilling everyone else. This will become their work, their biggest desire. The intention must be united with the action. Love will guide a person and will compel one’s desire to become like the desire of the Creator.

This is hard to believe, but it will happen. According to the program of creation, the upper Light must descend through all the worlds to the lowest point and turn the entire creation into the world of infinity. Not a single part can be left uncorrected and not turned into bestowal. As the prophets wrote: “The wolf shall dwell with the lamb…,” that is how it will be. Two opposites will peacefully coexist together.

All the spiritual worlds and the corporeal world will reach complete correction. That is, I must reach such a mutual connection with all people so that the Creator will be revealed between us, and from the unity within Israel, the connection will spread to all other nations. And from all of humanity, such a connection will extend to all animals, then to plants, and finally to the inanimate nature.

Everything will then become balanced. At the moment, every level of nature is out of balance because of the human influence. The world will reach full correction, complete harmony, where everyone fulfills everyone and becomes included in each other. It follows that even the smallest particle, a tiny insect, that is integrated within people, contains all the worlds.

The lowest point, the center of all creation, is called the point of this world, the final border of descent of all the worlds. At the end of correction, this world acquires the same amount of importance as the world of Atzilut. However, we are not talking about the imaginary corporeal forms that we see now: plants, trees, and animals. We are talking about the forces behind them, concepts. All these concepts will be elevated to the level of bestowal.

We live in an imaginary world because this is how the spiritual forces are revealed to us. Therefore, we need not correct corporeal forms, but when we correct the spiritual Kelim, this world changes, and all its parts penetrate each other, unite. In fact, the wolf will live peacefully next to the lamb, and everything will be united into one whole, one HaVaYaH.1

From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/3/19, “Building The Future Society”

1 Minute 5:35

Kabbalah Convention in New Jersey, USA

Our next major kabbalistic event of this year will take place in Newark, New Jersey, USA from the 23rd to the 26th of May. If you didn’t make it to the World Kabbalah Congress in Israel this year or if you did and are determined to accelerate your spiritual advancement and contribute to the growth of others, this is the place to be!

As an option, mirror congresses will also take place in the usual locations. Having said that, you will not regret making the effort to be physically present in New Jersey at this time!

To find out more and book tickets, click on the following link:

More information will become available soon!

Let’s Reveal What A Soul Is About

Question: Why is a person so attracted to conversations about the soul?

Answer: It is because the soul is the source of life; it is our essence, what we in reality represent through ourselves. We exist infinitely in spiritual space. We are very close to the start of our revelation of the soul in our time.

Question: What parts does the soul consist of?

Answer: The soul consists of ten Sefirot. When you connect in a ten you will gradually reveal the structure of the soul within it. A sensation of fulfillment will appear between you. It is called the Light of the soul or the Creator.

Question: People often say “My soul is tormented.” What does it mean?

Answer: Let’s instead reveal what the soul is. The soul is a part of the Creator in us, the property of bestowal and love, the property of connection between us.


From the Kabbalah lesson in Russian 9/16/18

World Kabbalah Congress 2019 Comes to a Close

One of the greatest Kabbalah conventions of all time has come to a conclusion! Thousands discovered and rediscovered the joy, benefits and magic of uniting as one man with one heart. Three full days of practical Kabbalah study, workshops and events raised every participant to a new level of understanding, love and joy like never before.

The role of authentic Kabbalah in the world becomes more and more apparent as increasingly more people are becoming interested in the benefits of this ancient method of connection and spiritual growth. Today’s challenges ask for solutions which are often beyond the limits of our current understanding. It is as if we need to upgrade our consciousness to be able to think in a more expansive, complex and integral manner. We are truly fortunate to have access to the method of authentic Kabbalah, which is available to us all at this time, as this method provides the tools we need to be able to grow our understanding and consciousness, become more solution-oriented and come up with sustainable solutions for the challenges we face today in relationships, family, society and even corporations and governments. It is very likely that this method will be used by increasingly wider audiences and in new and unexpected contexts with a broader range of practical application and wider benefits in the world.

Fear Of Reincarnation

Question: I am not afraid to die, but I am afraid to be born again. What is the Creator’s intention here?

Answer: You are afraid of being born again because you know what you have to go through again: birth, nursery school, kindergarten, school, illnesses, vaccinations, problems, insults, etc.

It is said that the wise men sat and thought: “Who is happier: a born or unborn person?” And they decided that the one who is unborn is happier. But if you were born, then fulfill your mission and never be born again.


From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 9/2/18

Toward A Single Origin

Question: Earlier people believed in a multitude of deities, now we’ve come to monotheism and it is all the same, even with the understanding of the existence of an upper force, everyone still prays to their own power. It seems like there are two forces: good and evil?

Answer: The problem is that we don’t attribute them to a single force, stemming from the same source, a singular root.

It would be much easier for us if only we understood that it originates from the one source. Then we’d be able to discern: How can I change myself to be connected to the root, and not to the positive or the negative force? I will never find peace between them.

I cannot belong to the right or the left line, to a certain party, or to some movement, to nothing at all! We see that communism failed, as did capitalism, fascism, and feudalism, not to mention democracy. The right and the left lines exist solely for the purpose of forcing a person to come to the middle line and find the Creator in it. Both of these lines of government come from Him, and only so a person will link them  and thus build the Creator within oneself.

From these two lines, good and bad, understanding and misunderstanding, awareness and confusion, etc., I have to build the image of the Creator that exists outside of me.

I don’t know the Creator, but I can construct His image so He is in me in complete adhesion. So it becomes my image, my final state.


From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian, 10/14/18