
It Is Hard To Believe, But It Will Happen

If any part of the world is not running perfectly, it is a sign that there is a fault in me. The end of correction should be implemented in practice in the world we are living in now. Intentions to bestow, proper distribution, good relations—all this must be realized here. Everyone will be concerned with fulfilling everyone else. This will become their work, their biggest desire. The intention must be united with the action. Love will guide a person and will compel one’s desire to become like the desire of the Creator.

This is hard to believe, but it will happen. According to the program of creation, the upper Light must descend through all the worlds to the lowest point and turn the entire creation into the world of infinity. Not a single part can be left uncorrected and not turned into bestowal. As the prophets wrote: “The wolf shall dwell with the lamb…,” that is how it will be. Two opposites will peacefully coexist together.

All the spiritual worlds and the corporeal world will reach complete correction. That is, I must reach such a mutual connection with all people so that the Creator will be revealed between us, and from the unity within Israel, the connection will spread to all other nations. And from all of humanity, such a connection will extend to all animals, then to plants, and finally to the inanimate nature.

Everything will then become balanced. At the moment, every level of nature is out of balance because of the human influence. The world will reach full correction, complete harmony, where everyone fulfills everyone and becomes included in each other. It follows that even the smallest particle, a tiny insect, that is integrated within people, contains all the worlds.

The lowest point, the center of all creation, is called the point of this world, the final border of descent of all the worlds. At the end of correction, this world acquires the same amount of importance as the world of Atzilut. However, we are not talking about the imaginary corporeal forms that we see now: plants, trees, and animals. We are talking about the forces behind them, concepts. All these concepts will be elevated to the level of bestowal.

We live in an imaginary world because this is how the spiritual forces are revealed to us. Therefore, we need not correct corporeal forms, but when we correct the spiritual Kelim, this world changes, and all its parts penetrate each other, unite. In fact, the wolf will live peacefully next to the lamb, and everything will be united into one whole, one HaVaYaH.1

From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/3/19, “Building The Future Society”

1 Minute 5:35

Want To Change The World? Change Yourself

Question: How is it possible to use the negative and distracting events in material life for spiritual advancement?

Answer: We need to perceive our world as a single whole. There is nothing outside of the framework of the management from the upper world.

We are learning about the only power of nature, how it manages a person and humanity. Therefore, if problems appear in our lives, we need to attribute them to the same single force of nature. So, we need to understand that if we feel bad, this is only because we are lacking coordination with the demands that nature places before us.

The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches us how we must do this, how to position ourselves in relation to nature, how to unite, so that due to our good relations, we can properly direct nature to us..

Therefore, all of the negative influences from the surrounding society, ecology, climatic conditions, political life, economy, and all other events that happen to a person, we can decide for ourselves.

Everything depends only on good relationships between us; through them it is possible to “soften” all the problems, and not in any other way. This is what the wisdom of Kabbalah teaches us, and we feel this through human communication.

According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, if a person wants to change the world, it is up to him to change himself and his attitude toward others. That is why we have organized ourselves into groups and are learning how to attract the positive force of nature to us so that it will change us.

To the same degree that it will change us toward a positive direction, the world will begin to be changed. This is the mutual relationship between us and the management system.


From the talk at a videoconference with the Learning Center students, 5/21/17