
Catch The Wave With The Creator

Question: You said that one can turn to the Creator only in similarity to Him—through the ten. What does it mean?

Answer: You must reach the same frequency. When you adjust the frequency of your spiritual receiver-transmitter, you must catch the same wave with the Creator.

The quality of bestowal and love comes from Him to you; therefore, a similar quality must go from you to Him. Otherwise, He will not hear you because the Creator is a system that resonates, only perceives signals in equivalence with its nature.

Question: Can you turn to the Creator in joy too?

Answer: Not from joy, but only from equivalence. Joy is not an indicator of equivalence. It flows out of it as a result. In principle, anyone can experience joy.

Therefore, first we have to contact the Creator via a modem, through some kind of connecting device that would adapt our qualities to the qualities of the Creator. The group of ten performs the role of this modem.


From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian, 2/6/19

The Creator – The Teacher

Question: Can the Creator be a person’s direct teacher?

Answer: No. Our egoism would want this because it wants to receive, to capture, to seize, to enslave. The Creator can serve as a teacher only through the group, within it. To the same degree that I merge with the group, enter into it, dissolve within it, I begin to discover the presence of the Creator within it.

From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/31/17