
The Property Of Kabbalistic Books

Question: How can we scientifically explain, without mysticism or religious miracles, that reading the books written by Kabbalists helps correct our intention and change one’s inner state?

Answer: What does mysticism or religion have to do with it? Neither are part of Kabbalah.

Reading Kabbalistic books helps orient you internally toward a goal because they speak of how your soul should be aimed toward it. The same way we tune a musical instrument, we tune ourselves by reading Kabbalistic books.

This tuning fork comes through the books. Try reading them and you will feel it. In no way should you deafen it with any religious precepts, obligations, or various mystical bemusements.


From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/20/19

World Kabbalah Congress 2019 Comes to a Close

One of the greatest Kabbalah conventions of all time has come to a conclusion! Thousands discovered and rediscovered the joy, benefits and magic of uniting as one man with one heart. Three full days of practical Kabbalah study, workshops and events raised every participant to a new level of understanding, love and joy like never before.

The role of authentic Kabbalah in the world becomes more and more apparent as increasingly more people are becoming interested in the benefits of this ancient method of connection and spiritual growth. Today’s challenges ask for solutions which are often beyond the limits of our current understanding. It is as if we need to upgrade our consciousness to be able to think in a more expansive, complex and integral manner. We are truly fortunate to have access to the method of authentic Kabbalah, which is available to us all at this time, as this method provides the tools we need to be able to grow our understanding and consciousness, become more solution-oriented and come up with sustainable solutions for the challenges we face today in relationships, family, society and even corporations and governments. It is very likely that this method will be used by increasingly wider audiences and in new and unexpected contexts with a broader range of practical application and wider benefits in the world.