Fundamentals of Kabbalah – 2021

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General Course Overview

In this course you will be guided step by step through the foundations of the wisdom of Kabbalah – you will finish with an increased sensation of confidence as to which direction you should navigate toward next.



Mutlu Meydan

Course Instructor

Anthony Parker

Course Instructor

After these ten lessons you will already have a deeper understanding of Nature, the world and who you really are. You’ll obtain tools that can help you develop a new approach to life and gain a unique perspective that will help you make sense of events in the world today.


See below for the order of topics and archived past lessons



Lesson 18 – The Process of Learning

Author: Yaakov

Continuation of a summary of everything learned in the course until now into a methodological overview of the wisdom of Kabbalah, this time related to the process of learning and books.