
Let’s Reveal What A Soul Is About

Question: Why is a person so attracted to conversations about the soul?

Answer: It is because the soul is the source of life; it is our essence, what we in reality represent through ourselves. We exist infinitely in spiritual space. We are very close to the start of our revelation of the soul in our time.

Question: What parts does the soul consist of?

Answer: The soul consists of ten Sefirot. When you connect in a ten you will gradually reveal the structure of the soul within it. A sensation of fulfillment will appear between you. It is called the Light of the soul or the Creator.

Question: People often say “My soul is tormented.” What does it mean?

Answer: Let’s instead reveal what the soul is. The soul is a part of the Creator in us, the property of bestowal and love, the property of connection between us.


From the Kabbalah lesson in Russian 9/16/18

World Kabbalah Congress 2019 Comes to a Close

One of the greatest Kabbalah conventions of all time has come to a conclusion! Thousands discovered and rediscovered the joy, benefits and magic of uniting as one man with one heart. Three full days of practical Kabbalah study, workshops and events raised every participant to a new level of understanding, love and joy like never before.

The role of authentic Kabbalah in the world becomes more and more apparent as increasingly more people are becoming interested in the benefits of this ancient method of connection and spiritual growth. Today’s challenges ask for solutions which are often beyond the limits of our current understanding. It is as if we need to upgrade our consciousness to be able to think in a more expansive, complex and integral manner. We are truly fortunate to have access to the method of authentic Kabbalah, which is available to us all at this time, as this method provides the tools we need to be able to grow our understanding and consciousness, become more solution-oriented and come up with sustainable solutions for the challenges we face today in relationships, family, society and even corporations and governments. It is very likely that this method will be used by increasingly wider audiences and in new and unexpected contexts with a broader range of practical application and wider benefits in the world.

Want To Change The World? Change Yourself

Question: How is it possible to use the negative and distracting events in material life for spiritual advancement?

Answer: We need to perceive our world as a single whole. There is nothing outside of the framework of the management from the upper world.

We are learning about the only power of nature, how it manages a person and humanity. Therefore, if problems appear in our lives, we need to attribute them to the same single force of nature. So, we need to understand that if we feel bad, this is only because we are lacking coordination with the demands that nature places before us.

The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches us how we must do this, how to position ourselves in relation to nature, how to unite, so that due to our good relations, we can properly direct nature to us..

Therefore, all of the negative influences from the surrounding society, ecology, climatic conditions, political life, economy, and all other events that happen to a person, we can decide for ourselves.

Everything depends only on good relationships between us; through them it is possible to “soften” all the problems, and not in any other way. This is what the wisdom of Kabbalah teaches us, and we feel this through human communication.

According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, if a person wants to change the world, it is up to him to change himself and his attitude toward others. That is why we have organized ourselves into groups and are learning how to attract the positive force of nature to us so that it will change us.

To the same degree that it will change us toward a positive direction, the world will begin to be changed. This is the mutual relationship between us and the management system.


From the talk at a videoconference with the Learning Center students, 5/21/17

I Want Only One Thing

I do not work on my sensations and mind, I want only one thing: to be incorporated in others and receive through this inclusion new sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. Through the connection with the friend, I am now building a man, Adam, similar to the Creator. I do not care about my current feelings because all of them are at the animalistic level.

From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/9/19, Writings of Baal HaSulam,“The Essence of the Wisdom of Kabbalah,”