
I Want Only One Thing

I do not work on my sensations and mind, I want only one thing: to be incorporated in others and receive through this inclusion new sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. Through the connection with the friend, I am now building a man, Adam, similar to the Creator. I do not care about my current feelings because all of them are at the animalistic level.

From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/9/19, Writings of Baal HaSulam,“The Essence of the Wisdom of Kabbalah,”

Playing With The Creator By His Rules

Question: Life is a game. Do we play with the Creator too?

Answer: The game with the Creator is in the fact that I agree to do anything He wants in order for Him to advance me in this game. That is why I want to do it His way. I do not control the Light, but I agree to play by His rules.

Question: Why is it called “a game”?

Answer: It is because I do not have the strength to realize anything, and only by expressing my desires can I cause the Creator to act. I pretend, but not really, knowing absolutely clearly that this is what will lead to His actions.

Then, what is the meaning of prayers and requests? I am in one state while I imagine another. This is already a game. I play as if I am already in the next degree, in the desirable state. I want to change into it.

Question: At the current stage of our group’s development, what should we adhere to together?

Answer: To play the right kind of group.

From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 5/30/18