
Where Do Our Thoughts Come From?

Question: Why does the Creator give me the sensation that my thoughts are my thoughts and my desires are my desires?

Answer: He does it in order for you to reveal that He is the source of all your thoughts and desires, both bad and good, all your actions, all that happens to you, around you, and outside of you.

While experiencing different thoughts, you consider them your own, but they are not yours.

Often a person catches himself realizing that these are not his thoughts. But where did they come from? Did they soar somewhere in the clouds and now landed in his head? Or he says: “No, I did not think so. Oh, I did not mean to say that.”

He in a way controls himself and sees that something wrong is happening with him. These are problems of our individuality and how we position ourselves.

From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 9/2/18

Reviving The Network Of Forces Of The Upper System

Question: Why were we given the sensation of independent existence in this world? It totally confuses us and doesn’t allow us to do something on our own.

Answer: On the contrary, you are given the opportunity to do everything to become like the Creator, to reach His level! It is a tremendous job.

Maybe it seems to you that if you say: “There is none else besides Him,” with that you wash your hands of everything: “You have problems? Contact the celestial administration, but I have nothing to do with it.”

No! You have to change yourself so that you will completely understand, feel, and discover for yourself the upper system and see how it operates absolutely everything through an infinitely thin network. Only by attaining the entire network of forces that govern the feelings, thoughts, and various connections between opposing creatures, will you be able to say that this indeed is the network of connections about which it is said: “there is nothing else but it.”

In the book A Sage’s FruitBaal HaSulam writes: “All the thoughts that arise in a person’s mind are actions of the Creator. That one seemingly attracts them from somewhere, or that they are born within him—it is a deception and the source of all deceptions. Any thought, even the most insignificant one, the Creator sends into the mind of a person, and He is the driving force of man, animal, and everything living.”

We need to clearly feel this and act accordingly. We must directly participate in this network of forces, to live within it, to bring it to live. We turn it on.


From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 9/2/18

A Slave Of Desires

Question: Am I a slave of pleasures or am I a slave of desires?

Answer: I am a slave to my desires. If I exchange one desire for another, then I always exchange a smaller desire for a greater desire that seems better to me. I am always only in my desires.

The question is: How can we rise above them? To transcend them, we need a group and the upper Light that will implement this action on us.

From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 7/15/18