Kabbalah Congress in Rome, Italy

This July 27th, 28th and 29th there will be a Kabbalah Congress in Rome, Italy! All are welcome!

For more information and registration, follow this link:


A Gift From Above

Question: Can I say that my terrible disappointment in ordinary life is a gift to help me come to the truth of the upper world?

Answer: Definitely! It is really a gift. After all, so many people are still chasing satisfaction in material goals.

At the same time, Kabbalists in no way say that a person should become a hermit, limit himself, starve, and so on. On the contrary, enjoy life! Give the body what it wants. The main thing is that it does not interfere with you, does not take too much time and effort, and gives you the opportunity to study the higher nature.

From Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/7/18

My Way

Question: Is it difficult being Michael Laitman?

Answer: I do not know. I never asked nor answered this question. I have a duty, and I must realize it.

Remark: But people know you, criticize you, love you—whatever…

My Comment: As for whether they love me more or hate me more, I find it difficult to say. And to work for posterity only for the sake of being appreciated afterward is also not in my nature.

I will say only one thing. At the age of thirty-five, I was a fairly wealthy man who could afford not to work and to live peacefully somewhere on an island or in Canada. One could prefer this kind of life, but I could not afford it.

I chose the path with a lot of mistakes, doubts, and torments. But this is my way.


From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/31/17