Fight For Freedom

The most dangerous state is neither ascent nor descent, but indifference. We do not have the strength to get out of it: neither upward nor downward. It is considered death. In a descent, a person experiences various problems, negative influences, and alien thoughts, but he is alive and not dead. Death is indifference.

The Creator says, “Come to Pharaoh!” That is, He invites us to find out how opposite we are to the upper force, to the spiritual world, bestowal, and love. We will then have tools for work: the Light will be revealed on the background of darkness.

Otherwise, we cannot discern nor feel it. Therefore, the Egyptian exile was necessary because it revealed our complete opposition to the Creator, since Pharaoh is the reverse side of the Creator. When a person discovers the full extent of such opposition, he is ready to exit Egypt.

Our problem is neither light nor darkness, but grey twilight, indifference. Nothing can be done there. If I am in prison and feel imprisoned, then I make every effort to escape. Yet, if I do not feel that I am in chains, in prison, cut off from real life, then I am ready to remain in this cell forever. There is no worse state. This is a real prison and only the environment can help a person.

Bad or good states both lead to advancement, but the state of indifference is absolutely static and takes up 90% of our time. It swallows our life, leaving us without any hope of reaching the purpose of creation. Therefore, we must fight against it. This is our area of freewill, the middle third of Tifferet, where neither forces from above nor forces from below act on us—we are in the middle between them and we cannot escape anywhere. This is the real prison.

From 1(sup>st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/18/18,Lesson on the Topic: “From Obstructions to Ascents,” (Prep For World Convention 2018)

The Creator Chose You

It is said about the people of Israel: “The Creator chose you.” He chose them by giving them a bigger and more developed desire to enjoy. This would make them feel the need to engage in the purpose of creation and correction and find an answer to the question about the meaning of life.

Such questions were revealed in a small group of people whom Abraham took from all the Babylonians and formed as the group of “Israel” (Yashar-Kel – directly to the Creator). This is how their inner desire, received from above, was directed.

After the breaking of Adam’s soul from the tree of knowledge, all pieces fell and mixed. But under the influence of the reforming Light, the lightest and less broken parts of the soul begin to rise first. The people of Israel seem the most egoistic, but this is because egoism reveals itself in them. In fact, the greatest egoism lies in those souls that ascend later.

First, there was a shattering and mixing of all parts, and then it filtered from this sediment, from all its layers, and was distributed according to the degrees of egoism. The same order applies to our world. There are very intelligent people, scientists and inventors, and there are technical specialists and engineers who implement these inventions in practice. And then these innovations are transferred to people to use.

It is the same way, in the wisdom of Kabbalah, there are scholars who are Kabbalists. Then there is the “technical staff,” the students who take these ideas and bring them to the people. And when people receive it, then everyone uses it to the best of their ability.

For example, when one buys a car, he does not care what is inside the car, the main thing is to learn how to drive it. But there are specialists who built this car and understand how it works. The wisdom of Kabbalah is organized in the same way as other sciences.

Our generation is in crisis because it is time for us to know how nature works and to get to know all of its systems. We have already fully realized ourselves in the material form: What else can we do, add a few more buttons? A person will still remain the same inside.

Throughout the history of development, man has tried to build external systems that will give him happiness, joy, and tranquility. And we built a material paradise around ourselves, but we see that it has not brought happiness.

On the contrary, we hit a dead end. Material well-being does not free us from problems and does not fulfill us. It is now that we reveal that we are completely empty, although we are in the midst of complete abundance. This is called the realization of evil in which we understand that we need to correct ourselves within ourselves, because this is where the problem lies. Therefore, the time has come for this correction.

As once we were engaged in the correction of the external world, so now we need to turn to the correction of man’s inner world. And in this, too, there are “scientists,” “engineers,” and “users.”

From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/7/18, Lesson on Topic: “The Israeli Nation’s Day of Unity”

Truth And Falsehood From The Perspective Of Kabbalah

Question: People rely on particular models of the world that they have formulated in their minds when making decisions. All models, to some degree, are false because they reflect only limited properties of reality.

It would be interesting to know in what way a model of the world is false and in what way it may be true, maybe by assigning percentages to each aspect. What does truth and falsehood mean with respect to nature, or rather with respect to the model of nature that we build to reflect it?

Answer: Kabbalah examines two systems: the upper (spiritual) and the lower (material).

In the upper system we are all integrally interconnected, which is why there cannot be any independent states. It is an ideal level, called the world of Ein Sof (infinity), perfection, in which all objects of our world exist on the spiritual level. Everything experiences its complete interdependence and destiny, comprehends it, and therefore each part is able to interact correctly with all the others. This is an ideal system described in Kabbalah where all parts are inherently and clearly interconnected.

The wisdom of Kabbalah explains that we are approaching this ideal system by way of our material evolution. This is exactly what is waiting for us in the future. We may choose to accelerate the process to its revelation within our experience and understanding. Or we may allow the natural process to teach it to us through the blows of destiny, which is what we see happening today. That is how humanity advances.

Our world exists below this complete and ideal upper system because it came into existence as a result of a gradual degradation of this system and its descent along the 125 levels to the lowest level—the one where we live today.

In this world we feel ourselves completely disconnected from each other and if something does connect us, it is only our egoism. All our experiences are geared only toward using everything and everyone according to our personal interests.

Naturally, that which we call “truth” is only that which exists on a higher level. And that which exists on our level is absolute falsehood because the only thing that motivates us today is the personal egoism of each creature, egoism that blinds us, distances us from each other, and drives us to use each other as much as possible.

That is truth and falsehood from the perspective of Kabbalah.

There is no truth in our world. It can exist only in those individuals who attain the complete mutual interdependence of nature, in other words, the upper system, which they are trying to discover within themselves. Then they relate to all those around them with completely different intentions: friendship, love, cooperation, and unity.

This principle was initially described in the Torah, even though, unfortunately, no one really takes it seriously. In this lies the difference between truth and falsehood. Truth and falsehood are not the subjective proclamations of an individual who thinks something is true and something is false.

When a completely coherent, unified system of all forms of creation—inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human levels of nature—exist in a harmonious interconnected state, it is called truth. And a state that is a complete opposite to this is falsehood. And between them there is a multitude of possible levels—some with a little more truth, some with a little more falsehood.

From KabTV’s “Together About the Main,” 12/8/17

Why Are There So Many People?

Question from Facebook: Why does the Creator need so many people on planet Earth?

Answer: The number of people on the planet, including those who have died and those who are yet to be born, is strictly predetermined because it depends on the volume of the egoistic desire we must correct. And each of us: living, dead, or yet to be born, carries that desire.

Following this process, we are nearing the end of correction. The desires are becoming greater and that is why they need to be divided into a larger number of bodies. That is why the population increases.

Question: Does it mean that if there were fewer bodies, they would not have been able to bare the egoistic pressure?

Answer: Of course. It is all strictly regulated.


From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman,” 11/23/17

How To Rise Above Time

Question: How can I rise above time?

Answer: In order to rise above time, you need to tell yourself that you do not have a next moment—everything is in this instant. You should live this way; there is only one instant. In each moment, you do not transfer yourself into the next one, but at this instant, you start and finish as if life is really ending.

Then you suddenly feel that this same moment begins to expand and there are an enormous amount of actions, thoughts, and deeds in it, but time disappears.

After all, time does not exist; it is our subjective feeling.

Question: What, then, is the future?

Answer: The future is completely unrelated to time. The future is what happens after the action I now perform. It is a different dimension in which the axis of time is nonexistent. After all, the axis of time assumes that regardless of whether or not I exist, whether or not I do something, time passes independently of me.

The wisdom of Kabbalah, however, says that this is not the case. It states that you must give up such an attitude to life and decide that only you create your own states. If you do not create them, then time does not move, nothing passes by itself from one moment to the next. If you did something in this instant, it is then called “a moment,” and each subsequent moment carries out in this manner.

We live in the world which, according to Kabbalah, is considered illusory and imaginary. The main lie we live in is that we exist in time.

Therefore, Einstein indeed made a revolution by declaring time a subjective concept, with nothing absolute about it that would happen with or without a person.

Time is a person’s inner sensation. If we rise above our egoism, then there is no time.

From the Talk on the subject of “Time” 2/5/18

Past And Present

Question: Why can’t we communicate directly with the Creator? Why do we need an intermediary, like a teacher?

Answer: It is not an intermediary. It is your previous state. The fact is, creation is a shattered system, which starts to correct itself like links in a continuous chain from the least, almost undamaged elements, to the more complex.

An element that went before always passes all of its knowledge, all it has accumulated, all of its connections, to the next element. And because we are links in this chain, we are always connected to our teachers and then become teachers for the next generation.

Question: If the teacher is my previous state, then who is my future state?

Answer: The future state is you until you advance spiritually. And then it is your students, those who must continue the correction after you, moving through the levels of this broken system. They either find you during your lifetime or in some way connect with you spiritually after death.

From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian, 10/1/17

To Comprehend Universal Consciousness

Question: Do we have the opportunity to comprehend the universal mind and learn how to correctly perceive, respond, and build our behavior in society and society itself?

Answer: If we look only at our life and at our limited possibilities and properties, then the future “does not shine” for us.

We see what is happening in the world: egoism grows and people indulge in it, no one is going to limit it and cannot do so, and no one can manage the world intelligently.

If there are some great personalities who understand this, their influence on society is so small that the chance of coming to a world correction is almost zero.

The wisdom of Kabbalah speaks of very interesting and rather revolutionary things. It explains that there is nothing outside. All that I observe and everything that appears to me—are my internal properties. Absolutely everything is inside me. But I see this as inanimate, plant, animal, and human nature that is outside only to be able to feel more, because I cannot see this inside of me.

If I begin to know the outer world as my inner one, to expand my participation in it, and to relate to the world with good connection and love, then I begin to feel these qualities in myself. They come back to me from the outside.

I perceive them in myself and thus I understand that, in addition to my true consciousness, i.e., a large information field, there is nothing outside, and I exist with respect to it. And all other creatures, including humans, exist only in me as my internal properties.

When one starts to get insight into this, one understands that there are no contradictions here—you just see other people who have certain properties and seem to exist, like you, but in reality you are one in one whole mind.

According to Kabbalah, humanity will come to a state when they will be convinced that they are under threat of destruction. But people cannot destroy themselves because it contradicts the general development program. Thus, people will understand that they have to move into such a relationship that will give them the opportunity to begin to feel themselves existing at the next level —not only in the power of reception, but in the power of bestowal.

And then between these two planes—the lower (egoistic) and the higher (altruistic)—we can exist in such a way that egoism will be directed to the benefit of love and bestowal because we need to feel others and know what to give to them and how to be with them in the right communication.

From KabTV “Together on the main thing. Alexander Zhdanov,” 11/24/17

Love On The Physical Level

Question: Can we see examples of true love anywhere so we can understand the possibilities of realizing it?

Answer: An example of true love is the love of a mother for her child.

This is love on the physical, beastly level, which can be seen in a limited form in animals and in a more extensive form in humans. If we were to cut off the connection between a mother and her child, there would not be any love between them.

Therefore, in our world, what we call love is simply an egoistic attitude toward a source of pleasure. It is nothing more than this. If I love you, then I receive pleasure from you.

From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 8/13/17

Who Will Manage The Future Society?


Question: In the year 2018 will there be less stupidity in the world? Or vice versa, the more there is, the closer we will come to discovering it is foolishness?

Answer: Both. Two opposites are necessary. On one hand, there will be much more stupidity, as we now see in politics. On the other hand, there will be many people who understand that this is stupidity, insignificant, and dirt.

This will change the general state of nature, the network of forces we are in. We don’t have any need for rulers and there is nothing to expect from them, nor from the intellectual and bourgeois elites who seem to hold the world in their hands.

The desire of the masses to change the situation and unite with each other correctly will gradually lead to a change in everything that nobody can oppose.

Question: Baal HaSulam said that first it is necessary to educate the entire generation, and then they will choose the right leader. How, in your opinion, should the system of government of the future be?

Answer: It is only through the method of correcting the person, through educating the person, that people whose foremost concern is society’s welfare will gradually make their way into governance.

Question: But will one person rule, like kings in the past, or will it be a society?

Answer: I think that it will be a community, but very small, a kind of Sanhedrin as was established in ancient times. It included 71 people who managed the spiritual life. I don’t think you need any more than that.

Each one of them will take responsibility for one system or another of the union: One will be responsible for the system of children, a second for the system of women, a third for the field of science, and so forth. They will solve all questions collectively.

They will be chosen by the overwhelming opinion of the masses who will feel and “smell” who these people are that can manage them. Baal HaSulam writes about this at the end of the “Introduction to The Book of Zohar.

Question: Can you tell when this will happen?

Answer: No. But it seems that during the course of the next two or three years humanity will understand that all the systems must be replaced; otherwise, we will reach a dead end.

From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/24/17