The Action Is The Reward

Question: If the whole world is inside me, then time is also inside me. Can you explain how to manage time inside oneself?

Answer: Imagine that there is no time. There is no next moment, as it is said: “Freeze the moment, it is magnificent!”

That is how you should act: there is no time, only a moment of my utmost adhesion with the Creator. Time is a psychological phenomenon. In Kabbalah, time is the frequency of change of spiritual states, not the ticking of the clock. The faster the states change, the faster time passes.

Question: So, if I do something and expect that a month or a year later I will get paid, is the expectation itself called time? But if I receive the payment right away, at the time of the action, then time seems to disappear?

Answer: When the reward occurs at the time of the action, meaning that the action is the reward, then there is no time. That is the magnificent moment.

Question: It follows that this moment is the best one in the life of the Kabbalist? He never thinks of the future?

Answer: The Kabbalist lives in both states simultaneously: in his personal state as well as in the collective one. He has to be concerned about the general correction of the world. For him, an action directed at the correction of the world is the reward. If the Creator gives him this opportunity, by doing so He is rewarding him.

From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 3/4/18

Question from Mooshi, ML 08/08/2018 (end of the First part)

Mooshi : How can I , from one hand be despaired, and from another hand act?


Rav :

Don’t worry, from the group. If you are still connected to them, you will get from them. You just have to lower your head a bit and be inspired by the group. They are working correctly. We have an excellent group. If a person is able to integrate with it. And want to belong to them, to be under them, that’s sufficient. That is enough to come out of exile.


Mooshi : How to do this acting also in the relations between us? Because you said you don’t understand what can we fight about?


Rav: If it’s friends? Amongst friends ? I don’t understand


Mooshi : i’m involved, because of my duty, in thousands of conflicts. I can show you a list of reasons why people can fight. So, I’ma asking : What to do about it? How to do act?


Rav : give me examples, what’s the reason?


Mooshi : I will give you a list of every conflict and the reason for it. The reason is clear, we know it : it is human nature and everything. But I’m asking : how to do this task that we are used to do in the daily task ?


Rav : this is an indication that you’re not working correctly in the connection. It indicates that you’re not working properly in connection. You have to do something, and do very very direct and critical actions, even, that a person who does not contribute to the connection in the group doesn’t have a place here. Very simple. One who doesn’t contribute is harmful.


Mooshi : I’m not talking about the fact that he doesn’t contribute, that he doesn’t make an effort : I) am talking about the final result.


Rav : What’s the final result? Let’s say that there is work in the kitchen, or in another place. So, a person can translate, or you do something else. And someone who doesn’t do it. If he can, and he disregards it, then disregard outside, not here.


Mooshi : But that belongs to dissemination…


Rav : no no no, not dissemination that’s in what’s happening in your area. I’m not looking in the salaries. I’m looking at the obligation to the group. Dissemination, to me, is the obligation of the group to disseminate, otherwise the Creator will not relate to them. Because the Creator makes the account with the general correction of the entire kli, and not with a person himself or a small group. To me, dissemination is spiritual. It is spirituality! If we are going to give lessons or something like that, to me it is spiritual work! You are paying money for it, that’s your business. So I’ll leave this place too, why do I need this, I have a pension, why do I need this for, I can sit at home, good enough – what am I doing here?

What am I doing here if not dissemination? I don’t need you. Everything that we do, here, in this building, it’s all considered dissemination. We need to organize, to do that calculation with everyone. How we’re doing it or not? Whenever we can, we do it. And when we are not capable, we just delete it, and we know this is not for us.


Mooshi : Once again, let me go to the reasons of conflicts, which is obviously harms dissemination. Perhaps it’s a good thine. Perhaps this is how we can come to despair…


Rav : the fact that there are feuds (=long term conflicts), that could be good, if you know how to cope with that. And if the Creator gives us these feuds, and we don’t know how to cope with that, because it all comes from Him, than we need to move away from that kind of closeness.


Mooshi : So, what is the good results from such conflicts : being dispaird or…?


Rav : no, there are good results from the feuds is that : instead of hatred, we reach love. That’s it. The Creator gives us the flude, let’s say without any reason. We are not going to discuss, who is guilty, who is not, all of that… Are coming to love between you? To connection between you? Or not? If not, the flaw remains, and we have to do something about it.


Mooshi : So, what to do, I still don’t understand? What can we do?


Rav : What to do? Send them home. Send both of them home. If they can’t come to connection. What are we doing here ? This is the place where we connect.


Mooshi : but at home they will surely not make it to correction


Rav : I don’t care. They decide that they don’t want to reach connection here and reach the Goal. I’m guilty of that? I’m giving them an opportunity. If they work on it : great! If not : good by, make room for others.

With this kind of attitude, you’re just collecting pensionnaires here, or some kind of… I don’t know, you’re collecting bombs and miserable people. That’s impossible. I’m not talking about any point of reference, besides the attainment of the Goal.

Which World Is Real?

Question: Is it possible that the spiritual world exists only in Kabbalists’ imagination? What is the guarantee that it is real?

Answer: Nobody can promise you and give guarantees that the spiritual world exists more realistically than our world.

However, the fact that our world is not real has already been revealed by Kabbalists. They feel this by being above our illusory world, and they understand that this world is created in such a way on purpose, so that we would push ourselves away from it and exit into the real world.

The upper spiritual world is real because we attain the Creator in it, the only driving force, “There is none else besides Him.” By revealing in the spiritual world the force that governs everything, we determine that it really exists.

From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 2/25/18

What Is The Difference Between A Kabbalist And A Scientist?

Question: What is the difference between a scientist in our world and a Kabbalist?

Answer: A Kabbalist is a researcher as is the scientist of our world; the Kabbalist simply has more universal instruments of knowledge in his hands. He ascends above his animal nature and explores what is called “the spiritual nature.”

The scientists of our world study what is in them from birth, and therefore, they perceive everything within the framework of our world. The difference between a Kabbalist and a scientist of our world is only in the field of their comprehension. Therefore, a Kabbalist is the same kind of scientist, only engage in the next, upper world.

If in our world a scientist has to develop his regular feelings and mind qualitatively and quantitatively, a Kabbalist must develop completely new desires, thoughts, and intellect, which have nothing to do with the physical world. The upper world is perceived and explored in these new desires and thoughts, and this is the wisdom of Kabbalah.

Question: Various tools such as microscopes and telescopes were created to study this world. What tools does a Kabbalist have?

Answer: It is the Kabbalist himself! The expansion of one’s inner perception is his or her only tool.

From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 3/11/18

The Future World

Question: What is the “future” or the “next world” in Kabbalah?

Answer: The future world is the one I will attain through studying Kabbalah. It is the next world because it is on the next level of perception.

However, it is a real world. I just need to change my qualities a little, from reception to bestowal, and I will see an inverted world.

From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 3/4/18

Double Citizenship

After establishing himself in the spiritual world, a person transfers small portions of the King’s treasury from the old to a new state until he transfers it all. And although he does not see the fruit of his work, he tries to believe that he is working correctly.

The old home state is within me and within each of us. I took great care of it and accumulated a lot of property there—this is all my property, all of me; it is what gives me a feeling of life, of confidence. It all belongs to me and no one is allowed to touch it!

And suddenly, I decide that the most important thing for me is precisely what is outside my body, that is, other people, and I want to convey it to them. And then I begin to pull desires together with the fillings out of myself and pass them on to all the rest. I expect this to be my second state.

In carrying out this work, I begin to understand that in fact only the attitude I created in myself now with the help of the upper power and acting for the sake of what is outside of me is the only correct form of behavior.

It gives me freedom, allows me not to be attached to my desire to enjoy, not to live inside it, but to move into the desire for bestowal, to the stage of Bina. In this way we move from this world to the upper world.1

From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/11/18, Lesson on the Topic: “Attacking the Connection”
1 Minute 46:30

Kabbalistic Hebrew Course – Feedback Form

Kabbalah Congress in Rome, Italy

This July 27th, 28th and 29th there will be a Kabbalah Congress in Rome, Italy! All are welcome!

For more information and registration, follow this link:

A Gift From Above

Question: Can I say that my terrible disappointment in ordinary life is a gift to help me come to the truth of the upper world?

Answer: Definitely! It is really a gift. After all, so many people are still chasing satisfaction in material goals.

At the same time, Kabbalists in no way say that a person should become a hermit, limit himself, starve, and so on. On the contrary, enjoy life! Give the body what it wants. The main thing is that it does not interfere with you, does not take too much time and effort, and gives you the opportunity to study the higher nature.

From Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 1/7/18

My Way

Question: Is it difficult being Michael Laitman?

Answer: I do not know. I never asked nor answered this question. I have a duty, and I must realize it.

Remark: But people know you, criticize you, love you—whatever…

My Comment: As for whether they love me more or hate me more, I find it difficult to say. And to work for posterity only for the sake of being appreciated afterward is also not in my nature.

I will say only one thing. At the age of thirty-five, I was a fairly wealthy man who could afford not to work and to live peacefully somewhere on an island or in Canada. One could prefer this kind of life, but I could not afford it.

I chose the path with a lot of mistakes, doubts, and torments. But this is my way.


From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 12/31/17